LH133 — Build Habits That Stick, One Stack at a Time

In this episode, Karel and Paige explore the concept of habit stacking, a method of building new habits by linking them to existing ones. They explain how this technique can make habit formation easier and more effective. Karel and Paige share practical examples and provide 10 actionable recommendations to help you successfully implement habit stacking in your daily routine. Their recommendations include identifying existing habits, choosing new habits, linking new habits to established routines, starting small, environmental design, accountability, positive reinforcement, visual cues, tracking progress, and reflection and mindfulness.

10 Recommendations for Habit Stacking:

1. Identify Existing Habits 

  • Make a list of habits you already do daily without fail.

  • Example: Daily morning coffee.

2. Choose a New Habit

  • Pick a new habit that is small and manageable. Consider keystone habits that positively impact other areas of your life.

  • Example: Regular exercise can improve mood and energy levels.

3. Stack the Habit

  • Link to an Existing Habit: Connect your new habit to one you already perform regularly.

    • Time-Based Stacking: Perform your new habit at a specific time.

    • Anchor Habits: Use consistent routines like morning or evening routines.

  • Example: Practice deep breathing after lunch.

4. Start Small & with One New Habit at a Time

  • Begin with a tiny version of your new habit.

  • Focus on one habit at a time and gradually add more.

  • Example: Start with just one page of reading after making coffee.

5. Environmental Design

  • Prepare your environment to support your new habit.

  • Remove obstacles to make the habit easier to perform.

  • Example: Keep your journal and pen next to your bed or coffee maker.

6. Accountability

  • Partner with a friend or family member (habit buddy) and consider public commitment.

  • Example: Share your workout progress with a friend or on social media.

7. Use Positive Reinforcement

  • Reward yourself after completing your new habit.

  • Celebrate small wins to stay motivated.

  • Example: Give yourself a few minutes of relaxation after completing a new habit.

8. Visual Cues & Reminders

  • Use post-it notes and set reminders or alerts on your phone.

  • Example: Place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind you to do morning stretches.

9. Track Your Progress & Be Consistent

  • Use a habit tracker or app to monitor progress and stay motivated.

  • Perform the habit at the same time every day.

  • Example: Use apps like Habitica or Streaks to track your new habit.

10. Mindfulness and Reflection

  • Reflect on your progress regularly.

  • Practice mindfulness to stay present and aware of your habits.

  • Example: Reflect weekly on why certain habits were missed and adjust accordingly.

Quotes from this episode:

“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” — John Dryden

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.” — Brian Tracy (Self-Development Author and Speaker)

“What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.” — Gretchen Rubin (Author of “Better Than Before”)

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Epictetus

Key Takeaways:

  • Habit Stacking: Habit stacking makes building new habits easier by linking them to existing ones.

  • Identify and Choose: Identify existing habits and choose small, manageable new habits to build.

  • Link Habits: Link new habits to established routines using time-based or anchor-based methods.

  • Start Small: Start small and avoid overloading yourself with too many new habits at once.

  • Environmental Design: Use environmental design to prepare your surroundings and support your new habits.

  • Reminders and Tracking: Incorporate reminders, visual cues, and habit tracking to stay on track.

  • Accountability and Reinforcement: Accountability and positive reinforcement can significantly boost your habit-forming success.

  • Reflection and Mindfulness: Reflect regularly and practice mindfulness to maintain consistency and recognize the benefits of new habits.

  • Self-Compassion: Stay compassionate with yourself throughout the habit-building process.

Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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