LH140 — Thought Habits to Overcome Overworking

In this episode, Karel and Paige continue their conversation with certified Habit Finder coach, author, and CEO Amy Kemp. They dive deep into Amy’s strategies for overcoming overworking through setting boundaries and shifting thought habits to achieve success and wealth. She emphasizes the need to let go of limiting beliefs about money and to embrace the idea that money is a renewable resource. Amy also highlights the challenges women face in achieving success, particularly the burden of unpaid labor and societal pressure to do it all. She shares success stories from her coaching business, showcasing the transformative power of changing thought habits. Amy underscores the slow and lifelong nature of personal growth.

Quote from this episode:

“Money is a renewable resource. It comes and goes. It ebbs and flows. It's meant to move. When we're cheap about spending it or weird about receiving it, we block its natural course. We put ourselves in a place of lack instead of abundance. And our energy becomes, riches interrupt us. — Jen Sincero

Key Takeaways:

  • Money as a Renewable Resource: Embrace the mindset that money is meant to move and should not be clung to for a sense of security.

  • Setting Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining effective boundaries in personal and professional life is crucial for healthy interactions and avoiding overworking.

  • Rethinking Hard Work: Success and wealth do not necessarily require working more hours. It’s essential to shift thought habits and adopt smarter, more efficient strategies.

  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Challenge the belief that more work equals more success by focusing on leveraging natural abilities and valuing one’s contributions appropriately.

  • Unpaid Labor and Gender Roles: Acknowledge the disproportionate amount of unpaid labor women handle and the societal pressures that perpetuate this imbalance.

  • Slow and Incremental Change: Sustainable change in thought habits is a slow, ongoing process requiring commitment and humility. There are no quick fixes for lasting transformation.

  • Empowerment Through Lifelong Learning: Continually invest in personal growth through reading, listening to podcasts, and engaging in meaningful conversations to change thinking and seize opportunities.

  • Practical Steps for Boundary Setting: Implement small, manageable boundaries in daily routines to protect personal time and reduce overwork.

  • Encouragement for Women: Women should feel empowered to share responsibilities, seek support, and recognize their worth in both professional and personal spheres.

  • Accessible Resources: Utilize available resources like Amy’s book, “I See You,” and the Habit Finder assessment to begin the journey towards better thought habits and achieving goals without overworking.

Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


LH141 — Ignite Your Secret Superpower: Adapt to Change


LH139 — Power of Thought Habits & Natural Genius