LH145 — Life and Career Lessons

In this episode, Karel shares his career and life lessons after retiring from a successful 36-year career at IBM and co-founding the Habits for a Better World nonprofit. Before leaving IBM, Karel went on a global nine design studio tour during which he met with staff one-on-one and in groups and he also reflected on his career and shared his life and career lessons. The staff and others on LinkedIn who heard about the presentation encouraged him to share his reflection and insights on the podcast. This episode was the result. Enjoy!

Quotes from this episode:

Stephen R Covey — "Begin With the End in Mind" and he explains further that "you should start with a clear understanding of your destination. You need to know where you are going in order to better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction."

Ralph Waldo Emerson — “Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Or my version of that, is others often say, "somebody should" while I say, "why not me".

Steve Jobs — "The only way to do great work is to love what you do".

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the business you work for and how it creates value

  • Find purpose in your role and focus on making a positive impact

  • Pay attention to how you show up on video calls and use appropriate equipment

  • Practice authentic listening and truly understand others' perspectives

  • Champion diversity and inclusion to create more innovative and representative teams

  • Be a lifelong learner and share your knowledge with others

  • Future-proof your career by staying aware of trends and continuously improving

  • Feed your soul by pursuing passions outside of work and taking breaks to unplug

Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


LH146 — Finding Your Superpower


LH144 — The Humor Habit