Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH40 — Psychological Capital

Learn to develop Psychological Capital during this episode when Karel has special guest Kathryn Britton back again.  Kathryn was also on Episode 16 and talked that time about Positive Psychology.  This time she focuses on Hope and Resilience the latter of which she has also recently co-edited a book on which is available at Amazon.  She is also available for individual coaching sessions. You can reach her at Theano Coaching.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH39 — Effective Meetings

Do you find that the meetings you lead and/or attend aren't as effective as they could be?  Karel provides a context for evaluating the cost of a meeting and the resulting need for increased effectiveness and then provides a top 10 list of practical advice to use in making meetings you lead as a formal leader or as an emergent one much more effective and enjoyable.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH38 — Designing Your Life

In this episode, Karel takes the approaches, methods, and techniques used in product design and applies them to designing the product, you.  The quotes and top 10 list provide you a way to think about and approach self-improvement by designing your life.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH37 — Developing Skills into Habits

Have you wondered how long it should take to develop a skill into a habit?  In response to a listener request, Karel addresses the very important topic in this episode.  He describes the factors that determine the length of time that it takes and then summarizes the rules of thumb for simple and complex behaviors as well as what it takes to get to mastery.  The top 10 list for this episode provides advice on optimizing the realization of the development of skills into habits.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH36 — Progress

In response to a listener request, Karel reviews key points from ten previous episodes in order for you to assess your progress, celebrate successes and identify additional areas of continued and intensified focus.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH35 — Presentations

Want to improve the presentations you give?  Whether you're in school or beginning your career and just starting to give presentations or you're a veteran presenter, Karel provides advice on how to improve the overall effectiveness of your presentations.  He addresses the following topics: audience, objectives, three main points, duration, slides/structure, graphics/text, audio-video/animation, humor, practice, and delivery.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH34 — Work-Life Balance

Does your life feel out of control? Are you not spending time on the things you think are important in life? In this episode, Karel summarizes some insightful quotes and then reviews ten ideas for optimizing the balance and integration of the work and non-work aspects of your life.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH33 — Electronic Communication

Want to improve your electronic communication?  Karel devotes this longer than usual episode on the topic of electronic communication which includes everything from Facebook and Twitter to texting, instant messaging, e-mail, conference calling, and video conferencing.  Karel provides advice on increasing your effective use of these mechanisms as well as how to limit them as well.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH32 — Self-Confidence

Karel is joined on this episode by special guest UK Psychologist Mandy Kloppers who discusses the important topic of self-confidence.  Mandy shares her favorite quotes on the topic and outlines her top 10 ideas for increasing self-confidence. Mandy also recommends the book Mind over Mood as a particularly good source of information on this topic. If you live in the UK, you can also checkout the innovative service she founded called text-tonic. If you live outside the UK, you can still visit the website but for now can't make use of the mobile/cell phone service itself.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH31 — Relationships

How are the various relationships in your life doing? Karel focuses this episode on the topic of relationships - taking stock, increasing, decreasing, and deepening them across all contexts and roles within your life.  He also provides advice on improving the quality of relationships, something that is so important to the overall quality of all our lives.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH30 — Staying Focussed

Having trouble staying focussed with everything going on in your life?  Karel devotes this episode to the topic of getting and staying focussed and shares his thoughts and ideas so that you can improve your approach to this important aspect of your life.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH29 — Leadership

Want to further develop and hone your leadership skills?  Whether you're a political or business leader, a little league coach, a parent or student, a formal designated leader or an emergent one, the advice Karel provides in this episode will help you improve your leadership skills. The problem with the initial mp3 file for this episode is now fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH28 — Resolutions

Want to make New Year's resolutions that will last?  Karel devotes this episode to providing advice on determining how to select appropriate resolutions and how to make sure that you'll be able to successfully carry them out.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH27 — Gratitude

Want to get better at expressing gratitude?  Most people don't express gratitude enough.  Karel summarizes some good thinking on this topic and then provides 10 ideas for understanding gratitude and getting good at expressing it yourself.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH26 — Resilience

Do you have the necessary level of resilience to deal with the changes happening in the world?  Karel outlines the concept of personal resilience in this episode and provides ten ideas to develop into habits that will increase your capacity to deal with major changes, the results of them, and ways to turn challenges into opportunities.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH25 — Blogs and Podcasts

Want to make sense of blogs, mini-blogs, and podcasts?  Karel devotes this episode to describing the current trends in blog and podcast technologies (Google Alerts, Twitter, iTunes) and providing specific advice on how to find the content that is of interest to you using these technologies.  The top 10 list for this episode provides Karel's specific recommendations of blogs and podcasts.  Feel free to provide any recommendations you may have for blogs and podcasts via comments on this site or in an e-mail to lifehabits@gmail.com.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH24 — Managing Stress

Feeling stressed?  Karel devotes this episode to a set of ideas and skills to develop into routine habits to help you manage stress on a day-to-day basis.  After summarizing the ever popular insightful famous quotes on the topic, Karel starts by helping you understand your circle of influence then describes a series of practical techniques and encourages listeners to try them and assess progress in using them.  He also briefly outlines but doesn't provide the detailed instructions for practicing a technique called Progressive Muscle Relaxation.  Here is some further information on this technique.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH23 — Taking Stock

How are things working out for you?  Every once in a while it's good to take stock of how things are going.  Inspired by a listener suggestion, Karel takes this episode to review key ideas from previous podcasts and provide additional perspectives on them in order for you to check your progress and make any necessary mid-course corrections.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH22 — Stop Procrastinating

Haven't been getting certain things done?  Many people procrastinate and don't know how to stop.  In this episode, Karel reads some insightful quotes on the topic of procrastination and then takes listeners through 10 ideas for dealing with it and developing life-long habits to prevent getting into cycles of procrastination. He also summarizes the feedback received regarding the format of the podcast which strongly favored sticking with the current 30-40 minute length and content. Thanks so those of you who provided feedback.

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Karel Vredenburg Karel Vredenburg

LH21 — Simplifying Living

Is your life getting too complicated?  Most people experience this and don't know how to go about dealing with it.  In this episode, Karel reads the usual famous quotes to get started and then summarizes 10 ideas for taking stock of your life and systematically simplifying it.  In response to a listener request, the famous quotes are now going to be made available starting with this episode right in the mp3 file along with the top 10 list.

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